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Showing posts from May, 2018

Welcome! (And a checklist for what to consider with your aging parent conversations)

My name is Beka, and I work in real estate.  Specifically, I buy houses that need love and do my best to restore them to their glory.  The thing about this is that I end up meeting many people who are deeply embroiled in the Aging Parent arena and looking for help.  We do our best to help navigate the waters, but I want to get better at it. Add to it the fact that I also am going through this right now, and (if we are lucky), most of us will have to face it at some point...  it just makes sense for me to get as knowledgable as possible on it.  So that's what this blog intends to do.  I want to provide a concise, comprehensive resource for people to come to and find answers for whatever specific question they have.  Or maybe just moral support that they're not alone.  First, though, I have to do research.  So let's begin... I love checklists, and this article does a good job of helping build the framework of what we need to know.  Check...